Kotti is Burning

In collaboration with the Academy Of Autodidacts, Theatre Ballhaus Naunynstrasse

KOTTI IS BURNING starts from our local location, which in the media last year experienced a renaissance as “the most dangerous place in Germany”. The Kotti, which has become quieter in recent years in the course of increasing gentrification, is often described as a place determined by the brutalization of society.

Together with Angelika Levi and Yara Haskiel, young refugees and post migrants from the Academy Of Autodidacts developed a critical reflection on the current situation at the Kottbusser Tor, its presentation in the media and the consequences they have to face while living in the neighbourhood in Kreuzberg. The workshop focuses on “postcolognialism” (a word that refers to New Year’s Eve 2016 in Cologne) at Kotti and the effect this subject has on the new narrative of migration in Berlin.

“Kotti is Burning” 2017, digital video, 50min.
Premiere: Februar 24, 2017, at Theatre Ballhaus Naunynstrasse Berlin 36

workshop instructors
Angelika Levi
Yara Haskiel

project management
Veronika Gerhard
Selina Shirin Stritzel

assisting project
Mehmet Can Koçak

From and with
Leo Buddensieg
Drew Castañeda
Eyad Khalaf
Ana Gonçalves
Abdullah Jardawe
Ari Kozanoglu
Ezgi Özcan
Nazli Taleghani
Mustafa Tayara


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