Das kleine Objekt a (The little object a)



16 mm.


With: Fenna Heinrich, Martin Figura, Karl Heil, Josje Pater, Thomas Schunke, Mizza Caric, Stella Caric, Tanja Schmidt, Dr Robert Kovarik. Camera: Antje Scäfer, Angelika Levi, Christian Frosch. Camera assistents: Tille Ganz, Beatrice Deller. Videocamera: Thomas Schunke. Sound: Herbert Schwarze. Sound assistant: Markus Pethö. Madeleine Bernstorff, Maria Adam. Light: Christian Frosch, Ute Aurand. Décor: Madeleine Bernstorff. Constructions: Zawadzki, Claudius Wachtmeister. Costumes: Mizza Caric. Organization: Kathrin Redmer. Best Boy: Thomas Becker Levi.

Premiere: 45. festival internationale de film Locarno´92

Science fiction. A group: Two women, a man and a child capture an artificial agent in order to examine an implant in their virtual cyberlab. Two more artificial agents are sent to negotiate his release.


Director’s statement 1990:

The film goes like this:

There’s a few people.
They know quite a few, but they don’t know anything about themselves.
Others know more about them.
All the information is stored somewhere
but these people have no access to it.
Perhaps nobody does.
They form a system that consists of many more
But it’s not easy to grasp.
They are tied to this system like modules to a computer.
They think they have an inner personality, but they’re not sure about that. They’re fighting
for subjectivity.
The dilemma is:
Whenever they define inside and outside, there’s no within.
The whole structure is built right into them and through them.
The whole thing is all the information.
But they cannot get hold of it.
They hold on to shreds and little pieces and try to combine.
Sometimes they think that this is the whole, but it’s not.
As outside and inside are not within,
it’s impossible to separate dream from reality.
The truth is kept somewhere else.
Therefore, everything is changeable and can be seen from different angles.
They try hard to do so.
They will only be able to break through the surface when they
accept the different sizes that give way to the inside.
Consequently, they are forced to stay outside many times, which makes them react with hatred and violence,
because they have grown too much to feel love,
which makes them suffer again. A vicious circle,
difficult to break.
The forms: surfaces and circles
The movement: vortexes.

It is possible to show things clustering and about to happen. This has to do with the definition of place, that is, to show a place where time is yet undefined, where something is getting ready for somebody who already exists in time but not does not yet exist at the defined place.


Poster, drawings and texts. [DE]


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